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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Bamboo, an ancient commodity or modern-day luxury?

As you may have noticed, bamboo has become more and more common in the household within the past decade or so due to its affordability, subtle elegance, and eco-friendliness. According to a survey done at the John Molson School of Business in Montreal, Canada, of a sample of 50 students – when mentioning the word bamboo before its entrance into the Western world, the words that immediately came to mind were: Asia, panda bears, tropical, wildlife, and huts. Now, when the same question was asked however in regards to their thoughts on bamboo in our present society, the words that immediately came to mind were: zen culture, decoration, curtains, and sturdiness. Some didn’t even know it was used in Western society at all and most answered the first question with more ease.
This study shows that bamboo is still young in our society and has much evolving to do in terms of the way it’s portrayed. What do you think of when you hear the word bamboo in the past/present? Making its way all the way from East Asia and other tropical regions of the world to your home, what was your first encounter with a bamboo product?

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