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Thursday, February 17, 2011

... And you think you're protecting your baby? HA!

We go a very long way to protect our babies from anything & everything: sharp objects, staircases, glass surfaces– you name it! Most of the time, it’s during the day that we run behind our children to prevent them from getting hurt.

But have you thought about the danger your exposing to your infants during the night?  
I mean –Yes- you tuck them in, you open the baby monitor and leave the door slightly open-Just in case.

Have you considered that you might be tucking them in with one of the biggest threats of all? Probably not…The issue here is that fitted blankets, cotton sheets, or sheepskins are not lightweight nor are they breathable. This actually poses serious suffocation risks.

Since babies are curious creatures, it’s easy for them to misuse these covers and severely hurt themselves.  

This nightmare can easily be avoided by switching to bamboo sheets. This ultra light material that is breathable in nature permits babies to easily breath- even if they are tucked under the covers from head to toe. Even using products such as Baby Sleeping Sacks can protect babies during their rest.

So as a parent, I think it’s time to decide what is truly best for our children. We shouldn’t only focus in protecting them during the day, but especially during the night.

The last thing a parent needs is to wake up in the morning with the unthinkable…

1 comment:

  1. Wow... I had never even thought of it. Thanks for sharing!
