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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Being eco- friendly: A win – win Deal? Of Course!

Let’s explain!

To be eco- friendly, you do not need to invest thousands of dollars in solar panels, the last hybrid cars or plenty other things that you cannot afford to buy! Maybe,   for some of you who read this, you may have wives thinking that you waste your money in buying “ecological gadgets”! So, why don’t you try to prove she is wrong by making her happy! I am sure you want the secret! Here it is, the sheets! You probably wonder: « What? Sheets? ».

Yes, you read well and more precisely, Bamboo Sheets! Indeed, Bamboo is a natural cellulose fiber grown without pesticide or chemicals. Bamboo only uses natural rainwater.

It is the fastest growing plant on earth, which makes bamboo the most renewable resource. The more you cut, the more it grows, just like grass. Moreover, bamboo fiber is 100 % biodegradable textile material without any pollution in the environment.

Obviously, that’s not all! Bamboo sheets get plenty advantage:
natural anti-bacterial, breathable and cool, hypoallergenic… Futhermore, bamboo sheets are also very soft just like silk! By buying Bamboo sheets, you preserve the Nature and you make your wife happy with a gift and so do you…

Now, have a good sleep!

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