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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Take Time to Pamper Yourself Today

Remember what it was like when you were a little child? Remember how worry free it all was. All you cared about was playing outside in the sunshine all day. When bedtime came around, you would usually fight it, but deep down you couldn’t wait to be tucked into your warm bed, while mom read your favourite storybook.
With the busy hustle of our everyday lives, we are sometimes too busy pleasing others, and forget to take a step back and please ourselves. Want to remember how comfortable you felt in your childhood bed? Invest in wonderfully comfortable bamboo sheets. Comfort is something we tend to forget about, yet when we are feeling cared for and comforted, we absolutely adore it.

Take time out of your day and pamper yourself today. You deserve it.

Do you think silky soft bamboo sheets can make you more comfortable? Is being comfortable something that is important for you? Do you miss your childhood bed? Tell us in the comments below


  1. Bamboo fabric retains the anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties of the bamboo plant, making it an excellent choice for sheets, bedding, and towels. Bamboo sheets actually repel & kill bacteria, fungus, and dust mites! This makes them a healthier choice for everyone, but particularly those with allergies or chemical sensitivities. Bamboo sheets are thermal regulating; keeping you cooler in the summer & warmer in cold weather.

  2. I have been surfing online more than 3 hours today, yet I never found
    bed sheet
