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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Panda bears not so different from men?

After watching a most educational BBC video on the Panda bear, I have come to the conclusion that the male Panda bear is not so different than our gender-opposite counterparts.

Panda Bear vs. Men

1. Leaves urine on trees as way of communicating with other Pandas./Leaves urine on toilet seat as way of communicating their refusal to pee sitting down.

2. Checks on sexual state of females through odors left on trees./Checks on sexual state of females through Facebook.

3. Treads feet in ground as way of instilling his scent which signals sex, age, and sexual condition./Treads car wheels in ground as way of signaling sex, age, and sexual condition.

4. Has non-confrontational style of combat./Also applies here.

5. Rarely travels more than 10 km for food and mating./Also applies here.

6. Male that pees highest wins in dominance./Also applies here.

You can check out the video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=006ip4ndThE and let us know if you notice any other similarities!

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